Your first contact with Jobs 22
Your Jobcentre Plus Work Coach will invite you to a ‘warm handover’ call where they’ll introduce you to one of our friendly Customer Service team where you’ll receive a short introduction to the Restart Scheme and the support available. The Jobs 22 team will then arrange a time convenient for you to go through the following:
A short introduction to the Restart Scheme and the support available.
Our adviser will firstly take some basic details from you, your name, DOB, National Insurance Number, contact details; email address and phone number. They will find out how best to contact you and any times to avoid.
We'll have a short discussion around your barriers to work, maybe you have childcare issues, need help with transport or have some health issues that have been holding you back. Here we’re just trying to get a snapshot of your current situation so we can find the best way to support you in your journey. We'll make sure this information is passed over to your Employment Coach.
Our adviser will book two meetings - an engagement call, and your first meeting with an Employment Coach.
We’ll send you over a questionnaire to complete before your engagement call, don’t worry if you need some help with parts of the form, your Employment Coach will be happy to help you during your next call.